Our escape vehicle, a brand-new Boeing 787 Dreamliner, jetted out of Austin on a partly cloudy late afternoon, zooming north and east. Remarkable were the individual touch screens on all seat backs, which offered games, menus, flight path maps, and views out left and right windows as well as the cockpit. Passengers could read our …
Waiting to board…
Time’s growing short, but we’re getting ourselves and our stuff ready. Consider this a test of how this post might propagate.
Thanks for joining me! Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton
There’s a desire that builds in me after too long a time away from Trans-Pecos Texas. The final winter weekend of 2016 presented an opportunity to scratch that itch when I learned that the Nature Conservancy’s Davis Mountains Preserve would be open. Lina and I chose to combine this year’s wedding anniversary trip with a …
Here’s a guest post: Austin holds a reputation for being a strange place. What are the most bizarre aspects of this creative city? photo: propertytaxloansfortexas.com Red Wassenich would never have imagined what he started probably as a novelty and a mild shocker would turn into a monster. Neither could he have foretold that the city …
Youth camps have graced the Kerrville area of the Texas Hill Country since the 1920s, but Presbyterians were the first denomination to start a summer church camp there. Methodists, Lutherans, and Catholics soon followed suite. Currently, one can visit nearby Mount Wesley, Camp Chrysalis, and TECABOCA. Mo Ranch is a 500-acre conference and camp center …
June 8, 1974, from the HWR Travel Log: On that Saturday, I was exploring southwest of Austin. I remembered that my high school algebra teacher, Turner Ferguson, taught riflery at a camp called Friday Mountain Ranch during the summers, so I drove into that gate to look for him. This was only three years since …
Although traveling and exploring Texas has been my life-long pursuit, I begin earnestly to do it in 1973, just after buying my first automobile. Still at UT studying radio-TV-film and living just off campus, I could walk to class, but on weekends drove my car. The Dodge Dart Sport Convertriple was so designated because it …
I’ve traveled back and forth from Austin to Corpus Christi probably hundreds of times, still making new discoveries every trip. On a recent weekend, though, I reached back to a distant, personal past. My first night out away from family as a teenager was during the summer of 1965 or ‘66, early in my junior …