
Dear friends and readers,

We’re back in Texas and enjoying the heat. What an epic adventure we experienced! It’s going to take several weeks for our thoughts to sink in, but here are a few pertinent observations and impressions:

People over there seem to hold a much longer view of time and their own heritage. Things are built to last and be beautiful and useful. They decorate their homes, offices, and public spaces with all kinds of art. By comparison, citizens and infrastructure here seem overstimulated, noisy, loud, self-indulgent, disposable, cheap, plain, harried, and in a vast hurry to no particular place.

Germany is a well-ordered society. It’s smaller than the US, which probably makes change and stability easier. Their first quest is efficiency, followed by the common good. Of course a few Germans are quite wealthy, but not at the expense of the majority.

We remain impressed by the gardens we saw everywhere in the UK and Deutschland. They grow fruits, vegetables, and flowers of all kinds. They enjoy easy access to local produce, meats, cheeses, and beverages. They possess a much longer view of history and of their  place in it.

There’s almost no crime in rural England or Munich. People simply behave responsibly, and there are almost no disaffected or antisocial classes. I think the States’ institutionalized, extreme individualism carries a terrible price: we retain the right to abuse our neighbors and to live catastrophically.

I’m experiencing re-entry shock. Some of my idealism will fade, but never all of it.

I remain enormously grateful for this opportunity. Jet travel was exhilarating. I’m already planning a return.

From a Radio Engine to the Photon Wing
From a Radio Engine to the Photon Wing

Lina and I will welcome all to the Green Man on July 16 for a slide show and return celebration.


  1. Linda

    I sign my name to Howie’s eloquent last message with heartfelt sentiment and agreement. Shall we become ex-patriots?

  2. Yvonne

    Green Man good. I look fwd to next Friday and hearing lots more about your travels. I enjoyed a warm visit w/ Lina today as we did some katchup and Lina shared more details and insights into your trip.

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